Friday, September 21, 2007

Build your own Swicki

Create your own search portal for your topic of interest with the Eurekster Swicki. Your Swicki learns from every search, vote and click and turns into a valuable online asset for you and your community.

Simply pick a topic of your choice
Customize look and feel as you like
Publish the swicki widget

Are you looking for a search engine of your own! Want to try something different! Try out the
Eurekster Swicki!

You don’t even need to have a website of your own. But there are some advantages if you have a website or a blog. Then you can integrate your Swicki search engine very easy to your website.

It’s very easy to administrate your search engine, and there are a lot of different choices to change the look, what pages your Swicki should show the search results from and more.
Users can build and customize their search portal on any topic, and share and distribute the social search widget to grow a community of interested users. With every search, the swicki becomes more relevant and meaningful to the user community, and more valuable to the swicki builder.

There also is a possibility to make money on your Swicki with
Google Adsense, Chitika.

Try out the
Eurekster Swicki.

Good Luck - John Kerbiac -

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