New for this month - We are starting to write a small résumé in the end of every month of what we wrote about in Kerbiac´s blog the past month. For all of you that maybe missed a post or twice. Here is a compilation with link to our post so you don´t have look trough the whole blog. Our most recent post is what follows.
We started out with a post about and how you can let your book travel the world in the most exiting way. Share your book at and follow it´s destiny around the world.
We wrote an article about icons and graphics for you that maybe are in need for new icons and graphics for your website or blog. A List from where you are able to download new amazing icons and graphics.
We followed up the theme icons with a post about search engines for icons. You are able to search for icons you might need in search engines for just icons.
Do you need a new logo to your website or blog! Create your logo online list.
Interested in Ajax script and functions! If you are looking for Dhtml and Ajax code, this is a great site for downloads. Try out some great Ajax features.
Get your unique word or phrase at Great opportunity to create something unique and submit it into your website or blog.
We continued with a small article about travelling. Have you been travel to beautiful and exotic places! What are your favorite spot in the world!
Want a Swicki of your own? Create your own search portal for your topic of interest with the Eurekster Swicki.
We wrote about web site profiler tool – BuiltWith. Upon looking up a page, BuiltWith returns all the technologies it can find on the page. Read more about this great tool.
We hope you will continue to visit and read our blog posts to get useful tips of web tools, how to make money of your blogging and some other good various tips.
- John Kerbiac -